
As many of us may know, Irish Water is the national water utility company in Ireland. It is responsible for providing safe and clean drinking water to the Irish people and ensuring that the wastewater is treated before being released into the environment. However, Irish Water does not operate in isolation; it works in tandem with the local authorities to achieve its objectives.

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is an agreement between two parties that define the expectations and obligations between them. In the case of Irish Water, the SLA between the company and local authorities outlines the responsibilities and obligations of each party. The SLA is an essential tool that ensures the delivery of top-quality services to the Irish people.

The primary objective of the SLA is to provide clarity on the roles and responsibilities of each party. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of Irish Water regarding water services, asset management, and network operations. It also defines the roles and responsibilities of local authorities when it comes to providing their water services, water conservation, monitoring of water quality, and ensuring the implementation of Irish Water`s policies and procedures.

Additionally, the SLA outlines the performance targets and measures that Irish Water and local authorities must adhere to. These performance targets include water quality, responses to customer complaints, and water conservation. Local authorities are also required to conduct regular inspections of the water infrastructure to ensure that it is in good condition and well-maintained.

Moreover, the SLA includes a dispute resolution mechanism that both parties can activate in case of disputes. This mechanism ensures that any disagreements that arise between Irish Water and local authorities are resolved promptly and efficiently.

In conclusion, the Service Level Agreement between Irish Water and local authorities is an essential tool that ensures the efficient delivery of water services to the Irish people. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of each party, performance targets and measures, and dispute resolution mechanisms. This agreement ensures that the quality of water services provided to the Irish people is of the highest standard.